Jessie's Blog

ACT or SAT? — Three Considerations for Each


The landscape of standardized testing shifts more often than the faults running beneath California.

Like it or not, standardized tests play a significant role in an applicant’s file. In 2015 the ACT underwent “quiet” changes and in a few short weeks the new SAT will go live, in a “loud” way. Sometimes less information is more, so here are three considerations for each of the tests.  

Knowing your students strengths will go a long way when deciding which standardized test is right.

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Boredom, Questions & Zombies


Zombies. They are an official "thing."

One Saturday evening, I was walking through the living room with a load of laundry in my hands. A commercial for a new movie flew across the screen. I exclaimed, startling everyone including Pickles, our evil cat: “Zombies! Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.”

I don’t know how you feel about it, but the term zombies is creepy to me. It sounds creepy. It looks creepy (I know they are just letters, but they're both visually and audibly grating.). And the image…

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The New SAT and Your Student

Illustration by Roger Chouinard, NYTimes Illustration by Roger Chouinard, NYTimes


This recent NY Times article gives a nice overview of what to expect. While we are recommending that the Class of 2017 skip the SAT and focus on the ACT, it is always prudent to be informed and know your options.
"What’s true of the writing section is true of the new SAT in general: There’s much more to read. “The most fundamental change is that there are many, many more words,” said Aaron Golumbfskie, education director fo…

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These Venn Diagrams Compare Colleges, Happy Picking

“How To Choose A College, In 5 Venn Diagrams,” an article published by Huff Post, creatively compared colleges on various attributes. Diagram categories included: Happiest v. Most Religious, Best Dorms v. Best Food, and Reefer Madness v. Least Religious. Choosing a college comes down to finding a fit academically, socially and financially. Given the thousands of choices and plethora of information available, you’ll find few who find the process less than overwhelming. You are not alone. IECA mem…

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Success Stories: Anna — University of Pittsburgh

Jessie and the future dentist, Anna Lackey, visit Lehigh University. Jessie and the future dentist, Anna Lackey, visit Lehigh University.

“Not only was our daughter overwhelmed by the college application process but so were we! Jessie made us all take nice, long, deep breaths and then in her kind and gentle manner, explained exactly how we were going to get through it together. Jessie’s knowledge, organizational style, time management skills and good-natured humor made the experience not only totally doable, but produced on-time applications that our daughter was…

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EA Success Stories: Justin — Middlebury College

Justin had a long list of schools including UChicago, Brown, Amherst and Tufts. His visit this exceptional school in VT. made him decided to be a Midd. He was accepted Early Decision.

Justin had a long list of schools including UChicago, Brown, Amherst and Tufts. His visit to Middlebury, an exceptional school in VT, clinched his decision to become a "Midd." The college thought so too, and accepted him Early Decision.

“When my oldest son graduated near the top of his class at Blair Academy, with test scores in the 99th percentile, my wife and I felt very comfortable that he would have a number of top colleges from which to choose. As it turns out, we didn’t have a clue how …

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Success Stories: Grace — Marist College, Presidential Scholar

Grace, Class of 2015, is an accomplished rider. Grace was also Park Scholar Finalist at Ithaca College, but felt Marist to be a better fit. Grace, Class of 2015, is an accomplished rider. Grace was also Park Scholar Finalist at Ithaca College, but felt Marist to be a better fit.

“Jessie's work with my daughter was exceptional and the results where not just acceptance letters and merit scholarships, but self esteem and a morale boast when many of her friends were frustrated and feeling defeated. I have first hand experience with the positive results of working with Jessie and would encourage and applaud all parents tot expose their c…

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Success Stories: Sophie — University of Wisconsin - Madison

Sophie, Class of 2015, with Jessie. #graduationdayselfie Sophie, Class of 2015, with Jessie. #graduationdayselfie

“Our daughter attended a small, private elite prep school. The idea of hiring an independent educational consultant seemed absurd to me. Wasn’t she getting all of the support she needed from the school I was writing a hefty check to? The reality is that college admissions just isn’t as straightforward as it used to be. And, it’s a lot more completive. Our daughter had to write 18 different essays and she didn’t apply to a single Ivy League…

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All About Those Prompts


Has your student started thinking about college application essays? Have you? You should be aware that The Common Application—the organization that allows prospective undergraduates to submit a single application to multiple schools, including more than 150 that accept applications in no other way—recently announced significant changes to its Essay Prompts.

Not familiar with the Common App? You might want to read up, but here are the basics: Users of Common Application select one of five Essay …

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When I Grow up I Want to Be a Doctor

After careful deliberation and lots of texts, Anna chose Pitt over Lehigh, Lafayette, Fairfield & Muhlenberg. After careful deliberation and lots of texts, Anna chose Pitt over Lehigh, Lafayette, Fairfield & Muhlenberg.

A few thoughts on combined programs:

Baccalaureate/MD & Baccalaureate/DDS

A doctor. A dentist. These are not uncommon answers to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

One of our students this year, in fact, got to choose between two acceptances. She first earned admission to the Muhlenberg College/University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine 3-4 BioDental Program.…

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