FAQ's — Working with Jessie & CompassU

How can I help my child define a path to success?
The path to success for your student leads to the college that will provide them with the best academic and personal experience, all at a cost that makes financial sense. Jessie and her team at CompassU work with you and your student to find their best match.
What are some of the ways you can help my family navigate this process?
- Identification of Personality Traits and Potential Career Paths
- High School Course Selection
- Standardized Testing Options
- Identification of Potential Colleges
- College Admissions Applications and Essays
- College Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Analysis of College Costs
- Specialized College Programs
- Other Post-Secondary Educational Options
Jessie’s program offers individualized, one-on-one support through this complex process to both the student and family. We work with each student to identify patterns of interests and maximize strengths. You know how great your student is, we work to ensure admissions folks know that, too. Our work is to find the “best fit” school where your student can thrive.
Why is hiring an IEC to work with our son a wise investment?
We understand that hiring an IEC is a significant commitment. By guiding your student to his “best match” school, we can help insure that he studies HIS right major and avoids a costly fifth or sixth year of study. If we can help prevent just one additional semester of study, you will have more than paid for our services.
How hard can it be to write one essay and how can Jessie help?
Each student’s application tasks vary, but on average, each student writes a minimum of eight to twelve pieces (and sometimes that number is tripled). Given that the essay(s) is the only place where a student has an opportunity in the application to express their individuality and stand out in a sea of applications, it bears tremendous weight. The high school curriculum does not teach how to write a personal narrative that walks that fine line between humility and pride, while conveying character and personality authentically.Our families tell us time and and time again that they feel our assistance with the essay writing helped their student land better offers and scholarships.
As a parent I am overwhelmed and stressed at the thought of my child applying to college. I don’t know where to begin?
Families today are already busy with work and life. Handling the college application process alone is akin to taking on a “part-time job.” Considering there are dozens of applications platforms, variations on demonstrated interest and choices of application types (Rolling, EA, ED1, ED2, Regular) the process is understandably overwhelming. Jessie breaks the process into manageable pieces for both students and parents can assist in all aspects, designing a timeline that will increases the chances of success for each student. Available 7 days a week via text, Jessie is also there to field questions at the time you need them answered.
What if I don’t think my student needs full one-on-one support, and I just want help as needed?
The Hourly and Custom plan may be the right fit for you and your family. Most students use between 25 and 30 hours of Jessie’s consult to complete their applications. This number varies by student and is dependent upon the number of schools on a student’s final list as well as the selectivity of a school.
More selective schools tend to require more supplemental essays (we have had students write over 40 separate essays). Your student may also choose to apply for scholarships, which often require supplemental essays. Given the competitive nature of these, presenting their best work is critical and has paid off for many of our students. Each essay typically requires one to two outside review cycles so by selecting a package plan the costs are greatly reduced.
What if my son just needs help creating a resume and writing his main essay, how long will that take?
Each student is unique and comes with a unique learning and writing style, and we are to help with as many aspects of the process as you feel you need. Compiling a resume typically takes 2 hours and includes a session with Jessie. The main essay typically takes a bit longer than the others as it is often the first piece, but on average takes 2-4 hours of services, and includes two sessions.
Can I decide to switch to a package plan later?
You have two months of the date of contract signing to switch to a package plan. The monies that you have spent so far apply to the cost of the package.
Do the rates remain the same throughout the year?
Due to the increased demand during the fall and holiday period Senior Rush fees are added as we get closer to application deadlines. Rates increase after August 1. Package plans increase by $250/package/month and our hourly rates increase by $25/hour/month.
Why are an IEC’s fees higher than my son’s math tutor?
Just as you are the expert in your profession, Jessie and her team are dedicated professionals. We visit 25 schools annually, network with admissions officers, attend national conventions and have access to thousands of colleagues through our affiliations that confer to help your student. For every hour of consulting fees there are a dozen hours of dedication behind it.
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